Long time I had to wait to finally witness the very first English competition held in Colegio San Luis from Coquimbo... I had to admit that I was speechless by the awesome level of the participants who came that sunny afternoon to compete in the 1st Song Festival organized by my friend Rodrigo Castillo. I am the kind of teacher who truly believes that organizing events in the schools we work in, is truly meaningful not only for the community but for the students and their willingness to keep on learning a foreign language.
Of course there are always good things to consider, while some others should be definitely erased, but one thing is for sure: we did have a lot of fun. I recall one positive thing: the environment was truly embracing and so were the students competing! They were worried about performing at their best and even willing to make some awesome dance steps (which I found really cool) and let me point out the number of judges... there were 4 people evaluating the students' skills, making the event very revealing. Now, let me go back and think about two aspects that should be arranged as soon as possible... Number 1: The place. I found this really unappropriate, because the room assigned wasn't the best one to receive a large number of schools and their possible guests, leaving little space even for the artistic numbers considered for the event, and Number 2: The lack of students from the same school. This is very relevant, because an event of such characteristics should be seen by the entire school's community, to make future students feel engaged with the idea for the coming versions.
(look at the face of the girl who is next to me, what was she thinking? lol)
Going back to what really matters to me, all students that competed did it great and Camila Zavala (my lovely jigglipuff) was not an exception. She nailed with her performance of Rradiohead's Creep and the whole room was blown away by her awesome voice, leading her to get the #2 place in the final score-table and winning such a lovely medal afterwards.
To sum up, I would certainly like to acknowledge Colegio San Luis for extending the invitation and to finally taking the chance of organizing such a meaningful event... that I am sure, will keep on growing as years pass by. To my friend Rodrigo Castillo, who had such a valuable determination of carrying out a project like this and because the smiles of your students pays all the hard work. Welcome to the selected team of teachers that organize region-wide events!
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