I'm an English language teacher who also works as an English language trainer. I have a catchy personality (when I want it) and a strong sense of humor. I consider myself quite talkative and a big dreamer regarding my professional career. I am the type of teacher who always seeks for new ways to get the attention of my students
by using different sets of didactic tools, engaging activities and challenging projects... This is mainly because I consider
that the key for a lifetime engagement with English lessons depend on how
enthusiastic the teacher is during lessons, allowing kids to feel comfortable and hence, to show their real potential.
I’m also the kind of teacher who truly believes that teaching grammar is not the key point for English language lessons, however, I do believe that grammar works as a key for an outstanding level of linguistic competence when dealing with real-life communicative situations, therefore, I always try to teach or review certain grammar aspects during all of my lessons (mainly inductively), especially when dealing with specific and commonly used oral and written patterns in a variety of different real and hypothetical contexts.
In addition to the aspects mentioned, I do believe that students have to practice what they learn, so I'm really keen on taking them to English language encounters or tournaments, in order to put in practice whatever they have learned during lessons, and to also give them the opportunity to test themselves with peers from other schools and realities... broadening their cultural and educational background.
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